
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What Exercises Can I Do to Lift my Buttocks

What Exercises Can I Do to Lift my Buttocks?

Exercises are one of the many ways to make the body more beautiful and perfectly in shape. Because they are being perfectly in shape, it adds to a person’s confidence and even gives him a positive outlook in life.

A person who wants to attain a certain figure includes having nice and sexy buttocks. Lift exercise buttock is way to make that. Who doesn’t anyway right? Having sexy buttocks adds on to a person’s assets. You may admit it or not, but one the physical features you check out on someone especially when at the beach is him or her butt. It is toned or not? Does it turn you on or off?

But, how can you really lift your buttocks? Are there certain exercises that are effective to make your buttocks lift perfectly? Can you do it by yourself at home without going to a gym or hiring a personal fitness instructor? The two consecutive questions are definitely answerable by a yes. There are absolutely exercises that you can do completely all by yourself at home to lift your buttocks and achieve its perfect shape in every angle. You want to know what these are?  Read on to know what these lift buttock exercises are.

There are only five easy exercises to lift and have firm buttocks. You only need three days a week to do each set of exercises back to back. Equipment exercise that you will need are dumbbells which weight is of something that can challenge you for ten reps, a Swiss ball, a step, a resistance band or tube and a kettle bell which is optional. After you do the exercises, take a rest for about two minutes and again do the full routine two more times, having three times totaled.

1.    Do the deadlift. Get your dumbbells, grip it firmly and clutch them at your arm’s length out front your thighs. Then stand with feet a hip-width apart and with knees bent slightly. With that position, bend your hips then lower your body ‘til it levels to the floor while keeping the weights close to your body as much as possible. Stop, and then stand again. Keep your back arched throughout the complete movement. Do this for 10 reps.

2.    Do the step-up. Grip your dumbbells and then put your foot (right) on the step. Without moving the foot, drive with the ball of your large toe up until standing. Lower down slowly until the back foot holds the ground. During that entire time, your front foot should only stay on the step. Do this at 10 reps, assuring you keep your chest up and your core engaged.

3.    Do the single-leg jump. Move towards onto your leg (right), then bend your knee, shift your hips back and jump high as possible off from the ground, possibly at the top of a step. Land smoothly with your knee bent. Focus pushing your hips back at your behind and just make sure the knee doesn’t track that far over your toes. Do this on ten reps on each side.

4.    Do the single leg hamstring curl. First, you have to lie at the floor with Swiss ball underneath your feet. Bridge yourself up on the ball. Do this by bringing your hips up from the ground and also by pressing your feet onto the ball. Then flex your right knee to your chest as your left foot stays firmly placed on your ball.  To keep your hip lifted, pull the ball into your butt through flexing your left knee. Keep your hands planted on the floor for balance. Smoothly lengthen the left leg as your left knee is kept bent into your chest. Do this on both sides, with 10 reps each.

5.    Do the kettlebell swing. Clutch your kettlebell or dumbbells with your hands and then stand with feet a hip width apart separately and knees bent slightly. Bend your hip and lower your torso ‘til forming a forty-five degree angle on the ground with your lower back arched naturally. Swing the dumbbells or kettlebell in between your legs. With arms straight, thrust the hips out front, straighten the knees and swing the kettlebell up to your chest or belly button level. Continue the swinging until 15 reps.

There are indeed men and women who are obsessed to make their figure beautiful and in perfect shape. They tend to do a lot of things just to achieve their best and desired figure. There’s nothing wrong with these anyway. As long as you’re happy and focus to your goal. But bear in mind that achieving a certain goal is never easy. It takes a lot of discipline and courage before you reach a goal. But, when a goal is achieved, the feeling is worth it. No money or words can suffice the feeling of fulfillment when you reach your goal.