
Saturday, September 13, 2014

All about Brazillian butt lift surgery

What is Brazillian butt lift surgery?

Some are blessed with a great body while others are not. But now you have the facility of getting a great body via safe surgical methods. Among many surgical methods that are used for figure correction Brazillian butt lift surgery is one. This is a surgical procedure to get bigger, firmer and perkier buttocks. This is a type of butt augmentation which will effectively give you more prominent buttocks in a matter of hours. This is a very popular type of surgery that is completely safe. A lot of women all across the world have gone through this butt augmentation procedure to get their desired body.

This surgery is so popular because the process is completely natural. Unlike other surgical procedures that are done for figure enhancement this Brazilian butt surgery doesn’t use any foreign implants. The fat that is used to make the buttocks appear bigger is taken from the body of the candidate who is being operated. Therefore the fat cells that are implanted in the buttock are natural and derived from the same person.

Since the fat cells that are used in this surgery are taken from the body of the same person the final effect is much moiré natural. In other surgical methods implants are used that make the butt appear bigger and fuller. However, the final look of such operative solutions is generally artificial. However, when your own body fat it implanted in the buttock region you will get a natural contour.

Therefore, if you are looking for a butt enhancement surgery then you should go for the Brazilian butt lift procedure. Just like every other operation there are some pre and post operative cares that has to be taken by the person who is getting operated. If you take care of yourself then you will have great buttocks that will change your entire appearance.

Who is the right candidate for this surgery?
If you think that you could get a great buttock by just making some dietary changes and incorporating some exercises then you should go for that first. If you see that all your efforts have been futile then you could go for this surgery. This is a completely safe procedure that has been tried and tested by many. There are two factors that will help you to identify if you are the right candidate for this surgery. The first criterion is to ensure that you do require a butt enhancement and the second criteria is to ensure that you have the physical fitness to go through the surgical procedure.

Who needs a butt enhancement surgery?
Here is a look at a few conditions when you should consider a Brazilian butt lift procedure.

•    There are a lot of people who are born with flat buttocks. Such people find it very difficult to wear clothes of their choice and look desirable. It is difficult for them to even wear something as simple as a swim suit. This condition affects their self confidence a lot. If you have a flat bottom that is making it difficult for you to wear clothes of your choice and look the way you want to then you should consider a Brazilian butt lift procedure. This will help you to get your desired figure within a very short time.

•    Because of age or weight issues there are many people who have sagging buttocks. This is a common condition that could occur in people who have either gained a lot of weight or lost a lot of weight in quick time. Sagging buttocks are not at all good to look at and they do not complement any kind of figure. Therefore, people with sagging buttocks could consider this surgical procedure.

•    There are many men and women who need to have a perfect figure because of their profession. Models and film personalities need a great figure that will help them fit into any role. These people might consider a Brazillian butt lift surgery to get that perfect figure.

•    Because of some medical condition or weight issue some people have buttocks that are not shaped properly. When the butt of a person is not perfectly round and doesn’t have the right contour then he or she could consider this surgery.

Who is physically capable of having this surgery?
Here are a few factors that are required to be suitable for this surgery.There are many surgeries that will require you to be in perfect shape without any extra pounds on you however, this surgery will need you to have a few pounds extra so that you could spare the fat for your buttock. This produce involves extracting fat from any part of your body where you have extra fat cells, and implanting them in the buttock region with the help of injections. Therefore, a suitable candidate should have a few extra fat cells. Generally 6 to 8 pounds of fat is removed from the body of a person so that at least 1 to 2 pounds of that could be re injected inside the buttock.

Though the person has to be a few pounds overweight, he or she should be fit to endure the process. If you have any medical conditions that restrict you from going through the operative procedure then you will not be able to go through with it. Therefore, before the doctors consider you for a surgery they will conduct a thorough checkup to see that you are fit for the surgery. Any medical history or special condition should be mentioned to the doctors.

Finally, you should have the time to spare after the surgery that will help you to heal. If you have a very busy schedule then you must take a break for at least a month so that you could heal from the surgery.
All these factors will make you the perfect candidate for Brazilian butt lift procedure.

What is the procedure of this surgery?

The Brazilian butt lift procedure is a surgical method to get perky and fuller buttocks. The reason why this is such a popular method is because it is completely safe. Fat cells are injected in the buttock region of a person so that he or she gets more prominent butts. The fat cells that are injected in the buttock of a person are taken from the same person’s body. If the surgery is done by a specialist and the method is perfect then it could be a permanent solution.

The first step is to extract the fat cells from the body of the person. Another reason why you might consider this process is because it not only gives you a great butt but it also helps you to get rid of the unwanted fat from other parts of your body. The fat cells are extracted from various parts of the body that have excess fat. This is done by performing liposuction on the areas that have more fat.

The second step is to purify the fat that is being extracted from the body. Not all the fat that is collected from the body is injected inside the buttock region. There are many process of purification that the fat has to go through so that it could be refines for reinjection. After draining 6 to 8 pounds of fat only 1 to 2 pounds of fats could be injected in the buttock.
The final step is to inject the fat that has been purified into the buttock region. Special injections are used that have cannulas. A lot of micro fat injections are used to infuse the fat cells into the buttock. Generally the upper part of the buttock is injected with this fat so that the person gets a firm and perky butt. The fat is also injected in different layers of the buttock so that it spreads more uniformly and gives a natural effect.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this surgery?

The advantages

Here are the advantages of getting a Brazillian butt lift surgery.
•    You will get the desired butt shape and size with the help of this surgery.
•    The process is completely natural and safe because the fat that is used belongs to the same person who is getting operated.
•    It doesn’t take a lot of time to get through the whole process of surgery and recovery. 2 to 4 weeks after the surgery will see you in perfect working condition.
•    Unlike other implants the body doesn’t reject the fat cells that are injected because it belongs to the same body.
•    There is very little chance of any infection.
•    The final look that you get after the surgery is completely natural.

The disadvantages

There are not many disadvantages of getting this surgery done still here are a few;
•    There is a particular post operative care procedure that you will have to follow for perfect healing.
•    The cost of the surgery could be a little high because it ranges anywhere between $3000 and $14000 approximately. The cost depends on many factors.
•    Finally, you might have to go for repeat procedures depending on how well your body accepts the fat.