
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to get a bigger butt men

How to get a bigger butt for men?

How to get a bigger butt men - Men spend a lot of time on building their upper body muscles all the while ignoring their butts. However, your behind is just as important as any other part of your body. In fact, men who do not have a well rounded, firm buttock do not look very attractive. So the next time you work out on your body you should pay special attention to your butt as well.

Women find it very attractive if men have a well rounded attractive buttock. The best way to get that desired buttock is by exercising and eating right. Today everyone is conscious about the way they look. It is important to appear well groomed and maintained because it not only gives you a fit body but also boosts your self confidence.

Gone are the days when taking care of the body was only a thing for women. Today men are even more aware of their body. If you go to a gym you will see more men than women working out. By nature men are generally more athletic and adventurous. They love physical sports and outdoor activities. This is one of the reasons why men work out so much to stay fit and in shape.

Men are conscious about the way they look as well. With every other man sporting six pack abs everyone is aware of their bodies. The standard of physical fitness has gone up a lot. Every day there are more gyms that are opening and both young and elderly men are joining them. With so much awareness about their body men cannot leave their butts behind.

If you are thinking that men do not need great butts like women then you are highly mistaken. Just like men appreciate a great buttock in a women so does women in men. If you have great biceps, arms, shoulders and abs but a flat and unattractive buttock then you will not be as attractive as you working hard to be. Have a look at some of the reasons why you should consider a how to get a bigger butt men;

•    Bodybuilders or men who work hard on achieving a well sculpted body will look disproportionate without a good butt size. With strong, well built shoulders and upper body you should make sure that you have a well toned and rounded butt as well.

•    A well toned butt is well appreciated. Just like women love it when they get attention for their good looks, men appreciate it too. If you have a bigger butt then you will get the desired attention as well.

•    The jeans and trousers that you wear will fit much better if you have a good butt. There are so many men who have flat bottoms which make their trousers fit loosely. This hampers your total appearance and in spite of dressing well you look clumsy. Therefore, you should work out to get a bigger butt.

•    Models and actors need to have a good butt so that they could showcase different attires and look perfect in different roles. Everyone loves to see a model or actor who has a great body and your butt is a very important part of your body.

•    It will boost your confidence to have a great and desirable body. Everyone works hard to look good so that they are ready and confident to face the world. Having a well proportioned body will help you with that.

Now that you know there are so many benefits of having a great body with bigger butts you should try and achieve it. There are certain exercises that could help you to get the perfect butt. But before you get to know about those exercises you should understand the muscles that are present in your buttock.

Know about your gluteal muscles

The gluteal muscles are the muscles that are present in your buttock. These are the muscles that you will have to work on to make sure that you get a firmer and bigger butt. There are three gluteal muscles that make up the entire buttock region.

Gluteus Maximus

Gluteus Maximus is the muscle that is located closest to the skin. Therefore this is the one at the top most layer of your buttock. There are some essential functions that are performed by this muscle. The name Maximus was given to this muscle because it is of the largest size. These muscles are also very strong because they are close to the skin and are more prone to wear and tear. Gluteus Maximus helps in hip and thigh movement.

Gluteus Medius

Gluteus Medius is the muscle that is located in the upper hip region. Some parts of the Gluteus Medius muscle layer are overlaid by Gluteus Maximus. This is again a very crucial muscle that helps 
in the overall function of the buttock region. It provides a lot of stability to the hips.

Gluteus Minimus

Gluteus Minimus is situated below the layer of Gluteus Medius. This is again an integral part of the hip and thigh movement.

These three muscles have been named according to their size. As the Gluteus Maximus is the largest buttock muscle it has got the title maximus, Gluteus Medius is smaller than maximus and beneath that layer as well which is why it got the title medius. Finally, Gluteus Minimus is smaller than these two muscles and is located beneath these two layers so it is called minimus.

How to get a bigger butt men could show off – dieting and exercising

There are certain exercises that will help you to get a great butt. There are two healthy and safe ways to get great buttocks, eating the right food and exercising. To get really attractive, firm and bigger butts you should work on the gluteus muscles. Working on these three muscles that cover the entire buttock region will help you in increasing the butt size.

Eating the right food is very essential. Since you will be working out you should make sure that your body has the necessary fuel. A protein enriched diet is advisable because it will assist you in building those muscles. You should also keep yourself well hydrated and have a good amount of carbohydrate in your daily diet. Carbohydrate will give you the energy to work out.

Make sure that you stay away from fatty food items. Some people have the misconception that eating fatty food helps in pilling on body mass. Well, fast food will help you to pile on body fat but that is not what you want. Junk food doesn’t add mass to your buttocks alone, it will add fat to your hips and abs as well. So the damage will be way more than the help. Moreover, you shouldn’t aim at putting on body fat. You will have to make sure that you get a firmer and bigger butt by working those gluteus muscles.

Here are some of the exercises that will help you to develop that fabulous butt;

Squeezing your buttock

This is the simplest of all the butt exercises. Since it is simple you should start your exercise regimen with this. For buttock squeezes you will have to just have to stand straight and let the muscles of your butt hold the cheeks really tight. This will put stress on your butt muscles and help them to develop. Hold the butt cheeks by squeezing naturally for as long as you can. Then release and repeat the process. The biggest advantage of this exercise is that you could do it any time of the day.

Gluteus kickback exercise

Gluteus kickback exercise is again simple but very effective. For this you will have to position yourself on the floor like a dog. You should be on your palms and knees with your head straight up. Now, lift one leg from the ground without bending the knee any further. The knee will hold a 90 degree angle while you list the foot above your head level. Repeat the process with your other leg. This is a great exercise for your buttock muscles.

Squats to shape butt muscles

Squat is again an exercise that you could do easily without any machines. This is how you should squat to give your butt muscles a workout. Stand straight and keep your feet apart. Fold your arms on your chest and enact a sitting motion. Imagine that you are sitting on a chair but of course the chair is not there. Hold the sitting posture when you have your thighs parallel to the floor. Come back up and repeat the process again.

Quick step ups

Quick step ups will also help you to get bigger and better butt. You could use any platform or steps to repeatedly step up and down. Make sure that your motion is fast and you use your butt muscles consciously.

Apart from these exercises also try doing the lunges, leg abductions, hip lifts, dead lifts etc. to get the perfect bottom. Now that you know how to get a bigger butt men could flaunt as well, there is no reason to hold back.